Notice: The DIPECHO LAC website has been archived as of June 2022. The website data can be found below for research and reference purposes only. It will not be updated.

República Dominicana

República Dominicana

Documentos Clave


Actores Principales

Centro de Operaciones de Emergencias (COE)

Director General: Luis Antonio Luna Paulino
Edif. Comisión Nacional de Emergencia, Plaza de la Salud, Ens. La Fé
Santo Domingo
Distrito Nacional
República Dominicana
Tel: (809) 472-0909

Delegación Unión Europea

Plan de Acción DIPECHO 2015-2016

Alianza por la Solidaridad: Strengthening of the disaster risk management system, by promoting coordination and articulation of the institutional and communal actors in the southeast department of Haiti and the region of Enriquillo in Dominican Republic

  • Area of intervention:
     Dominican Republic, Haiti
  • Main project results:
    • Systematization of the binational experiences about the identification of the risks, disaster protection measures and response
    • Culture of security and resilience capacity in the communities of Pedernales (Los Robles, La 40, Campo de Aviación, Los Altagracianos, Los Cayucos, Aguas Negras, Mencias and La Altagracia) in Dominican Republic and the communes of Grand Gosier, Anse à Pitres and Thiotte in Haiti have been increased
    • Coordination mechanisms between public authorities at all levels have been strengthened in order to familiarize population with risk and disaster management in national, regional and local context

IFRC: Caribbean Communities Organized and Prepared for Emergencies (CCOPE)

  • Area of intervention:
     Dominican Republic, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname
    • Main project results:

- CDMS is strengthened through its operationalization at country level with national community resilience programmes

- Regional knowledge management, through the harmonization and application of existing risk reduction tools and methodologies, is consolidated in conjunction with the National Systems

- Scaled-up advocacy with resilience partners and greater public and private support for community resilience activities

Oxfam-Plan Internacional-Habitat: Fortaleciendo la resiliencia urbana a través de la protección humanitaria, la gestión de centros colectivos y la comunicación en San Cristóbal, Republica Dominicana

  • Area of intervention:
     Provincia: San Cristóbal, Municipios: San Cristóbal y Cambita, Comunidades: La Jeringa, Zona Verde, Las Flores, Villa Mercedes, Barrio Urbio/Los Americanos, Barrio Constitución/Los Molinas, Puerto Rico, 5 de Abril, La Zuisa y Barrio Concentración (San Cristóbal) y Barrio Codetel, 15 de agosto, Barrio La Toma (Toma de Arriba y Boca la Toma)
    • Main project results:

- Actores clave de la gestión de riesgo y la protección humanitaria han fortalecido su conocimiento y capacidad para implementar la respuesta a desastres en línea con los principios humanitarios de protección

- Actores relacionados con la gestión de centros colectivos (shelter) han aumentado su conocimiento y capacidad para facilitar opciones de albergue adecuadas, considerando estándares de protección humanitaria y acceso seguro

- El conocimiento del riesgo y la comunicación se ha aumentado en y entre todos los actores humanitarios, fortaleciéndose la alerta temprana a nivel comunitario

- Las comunidades meta han aumentado su capacidad de reducir y gestionar el riesgo, prediciendo y respondiendo a desastres

PAHO-WMO: Saving lives through improved and coordinated disaster management and response capacities of the health sector in the northern border area of Haiti and Dominican Republic

  • Area of intervention:
     Dominican Republic, Haiti
    • Main project results:

- Local and transnational health networks' emergencies management and coordinated response capacities strengthened

- Health facilities disaster resilience improved in priority provinces of the Dominican Republic and Haiti’s Northeastern Department

PNUD, UNESCO, ACPP: Acciones que salvan vidas: Preparación ante desastres y reducción del riesgo sísmico y por tsunamis en la costa sur

  • Area of intervention:
     Provincia: San Cristóbal, Municipios: Bajos de Haina, Sabana Grande de Palenque y San Gregorio de Nigua
    • Main project results:

- Sistema de alerta temprana para tsunamis en la zona de intervención del proyecto, a nivel municipal y nacional diseñado, probado y en funcionamiento

- Mecanismos de recuperación y respuesta mejorados y capacidades institucionales y comunitarias para la comunicación y difusión de la gestión del riesgo en caso de terremotos y tsunamis fortalecidos

UNISDR: Implementing the post 2015 DRR framework in the Caribbean at the local, national and regional levels

  • Area of intervention:
     Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago
    • Main project results:

- Enhance political commitment and institutional engagement

      • Aligning of two main regional DRR strategies with the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030
      • Promote the integration DRR Country Documents/profiles updating processes into regional and national monitoring and evaluation processes
      • Provision of technical support for the preparation of two DRR Country Documents (Haiti and Belize)

- Facilitate access to relevant DRR information in ordert to informed decision-making for DRR as an integral component of policies and planning

      • Providing key decision makers with DRR information and tools
      • Promote the DRR country document at regional, national and local level
      • Promote results, tools and initiatives at the regional (national) level using different media tools

Plan de Acción DIPECHO 2013-2014

Consortium: UNDP Dominincan Republic, UNESCO, IOM

      • Project title: Warning, informing and including: Strengthening emergency information management, school safety and inclusive DRR
      • Core Activities: Emergency plans, studies and protocols for tsunamis, training and guidelines for informal construction workers, SPHERE training, mapping of shelters, retrofitting shelters, raising awareness about seismic and tsunami risks

Consortium: Plan Dominican Republic, Intermon Oxfam, Habitat for Humanity

      • Project title: National institutions prepared and communities resilient to earthquakes and tsunamis in urban environments in the province of Puerto Plata
      • Core Activities: Data collection and information management system, municipal DRR units, community committees, training and equipment, raising awareness about risks, safe schools, retrofitting schools
      • Events: FORO “La Reducción del Riesgo asegura la Resiliencia en los Territorios”


      • Project title: Strengthened Disaster Risk Reduction in the Caribbean through greater fostering of the Hyogo Framework for Action priorities for action at the local, national and regional levels
      • Implementation in: Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago
      • Core activities: Communication and dissemination of DRR tools and initiatives, HFA implementation, Country documents

Plan de Acción DIPECHO 2011-2012

Redes Sociales